Over The Counter Vs. Prescription Allergy Treatments


Experiencing allergies is frustrating and leaves you feeling helpless, which is why medical relief is important and necessary. When your body negatively responds to an external substance, the hypersensitivity becomes overwhelming and alters your entire mood. Effects of allergies include mood swings, hives, itchy skin, low blood pressure, trouble breathing and more, which can even be life threatening. Several times, an individual believes they’re experiencing an allergic reaction while their body is simply experiencing a substance intolerance. The significant difference is that allergies pose a severe threat to the body and reactions can be deadly. No matter the distinction and where your experiences fall, there are numerous relief options to get you feeling new again. Where do you start? The options seem endless and choosing between over the counter (OTC) or prescription can complicate things. The task of choosing OTC, prescription drugs or both is crucial in determining whether you gain relief or not.

Over the Counter

There are a wide range of Over the Counter drugs, which customers purchase without a prescription from a doctor. Although a prescription is not necessary, the ingredients of OTC drugs are ensured as safe by a regulatory agency. OTC drugs are typically placed in open areas of stores where customers have free access, just like other packaged products. Most OTC drugs carry benefits that are comparable to prescription drugs, but are typically offered in lighter doses. In most cases, the determining factor between OTC or prescription is the severity of the allergy, symptoms and side effects.


Prescription drugs are pharmaceutical based drugs that lawfully require obtaining a prescription from a licensed medical professional like Dr. Summit Shah. Prescription medicines typically come in higher doses than OTC drugs and are monitored more closely to avoid misuse and abuse. A prescription allergy relief like Desloratadine is a antihistamine that blocks histamines from binding to your receptors is extremely effective. Although prescription drugs are highly effective, patients must realize potential side effects and deem those side effects worth it. Determining the dosage amount and side effects your body can handle before deciding on OTC or prescription is highly advised.

Prescription vs. OTC

Both prescription and OTC drugs are capable of dealing with allergies, but the severity of your allergies determines your ideal. Both are required to pass through a process of FDA approvals before market release, so they’re deemed safe for consumption. OTCs are easier to access while prescriptions require a medical prescription for their higher dosages, making them more susceptible to abuse. It’s common for a drug to offer both OTC and prescription options depending on the allergy severity and required dosage. It is best to speak to your doctor about what is necessary for your specific situation to avoid further complications.

Because of their passion for helping people, medical professionals, like Dr. Summit Shah, look to heal with practices and prescription medicines. Doctors dealing with patients with allergies is an everyday process, but they always recommend you pay close attention to your body. Signs of allergies can be easiest to detect by your noticing of changes or reactions of your body to various substances. Allergies and their reactions shouldn’t be taken lightly because in extreme cases, can prove deadly and lead to greater harm.

Allergies are aggravating, but take control by dealing with them. Neither OTCs or prescriptions are better than the other, but knowing which is best for your condition could save your life.

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