At What Age Should You Bring Your Child To Their First Dental Visit?

Muscaro & Martini

Every parent wants their child to have the best start in life, with their teeth a cause for concern throughout childhood. Just like an adult, children need to stay current with their dental visits to a dentist in South Tampa and attend checkups twice per year. New parents can be confused about when their infant should attend their first dental checkup. The general rule of thumb is for the first checkup to take place before their first birthday. 

When to Book an Appointment?

When a child is born, parents need not book an appointment with a dentist in South Tampa. Instead, parents should wait for the first tooth to erupt through the gums. Every tooth eruption is accompanied by a period of teething when a child will be affected by certain symptoms, including:

  • Excessive drooling
  • Reddened gums
  • Crying

The first appointment needs to take place by the time of the first birthday of the infant. If their first tooth erupts before their first birthday, a dental visit should be book within six months. Mouth Healthy reports the earlier an infant begins to attend dental appointments, the higher chance they have of good oral hygiene in the future. 

What Happens at the First Visit

The first appointment for a parent and their infant can be time-consuming because a dentist in South Tampa will want to complete a thorough examination. There are a few scheduling tips to consider, including:

  • Do not book an appointment during nap time
  • Lightly brush the tooth or teeth before your appointment
  • Prepare a snack for your child to follow their dental visit 

During the first dental visit, the dentist will complete a thorough examination of your child’s teeth, jaw, bite, and tongue. Oral health is a lifelong battle that needs to be addressed correctly to give your child a headstart on healthy oral habits. 

Prepare Your Child

Once you have booked your appointment with your Florida dentist, you should begin to prepare your child. Stanford Children’s Health reports the first visit can be distressing for children who are attached to their parent. Children tend to fidget during their first visits to their dentist and your dentist should be able to handle these problems.

Begin Oral Hygiene Practices Before The First Visit

The first visit to a dentist should follow the first steps towards good oral hygiene habits. In the first months of life, your child can see decay and gum damage because of sucking a pacifier and nursing. Good oral hygiene habits begin by using a damp cloth to wipe the gums and clear away all milk residue. The eruption of the first tooth should be followed by a switch to a soft toothbrush. It is rare for an x-ray to be completed during the first dental visit unless there is an identified problem. 

Good oral health should be high on the agenda of every parent. Scheduling and attending the first dental visit is the perfect way to start the good oral hygiene habits needed in the future.

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