Dr. Thomas Ocheltree Explains How an Infected Wisdom Tooth Affects the Body

Your oral health is incredibly important and practicing healthy habits to maintain your teeth’s strength is vital. One common dental problem that many people suffer from is an infected wisdom tooth. A further issue takes place when an infected wisdom tooth is not inspected upon in a timely manner. Gradually, the infection can get worse and cause further undesirable complications. First, it should be understood why wisdom tooth infections take place to begin with.

How Wisdom Teeth Get Infected

Your wisdom teeth are the last set of teeth to grow, claims Dr. Thomas Ocheltree, an oral surgeon based in Bloomington, Illinois. Because of that reason, they are given the name “wisdom” teeth. However, a problem with many wisdom teeth is that they do not grow all the way through the gums, and they end up getting stuck underneath a flap of skin. This is what happens when wisdom teeth only partially erupt. Underneath this flap, food particles and other foreign materials could potentially get stuck and cause the gums to become inflamed and infected (called pericoronitis) over time. What’s worse is that these infections could gradually spread to the lymph nodes and the bloodstream (although it is rare) if they are not caught soon enough.

Symptoms of Infected Wisdom Tooth

You should be wary of preliminary signs that you may need to get your wisdom teeth looked at and possibly removed. Usually, an infection starts with pain in the area in question. This could lead to difficulty chewing, closing your mouth and brushing your teeth. Sometimes, it may feel as though you are biting on your gums because the area has become inflamed. Upon opening your mouth and examining it in the mirror, you may be able to physically see the swelling for yourself. You may also notice a residual bad taste in your mouth. This is most likely the result of pus discharge from the area of infection leaking from the gums. A reputable dentist like Dr. Thomas Ocheltree can provide you with more information on wisdom tooth infection warning signs.

How Is Pericoronitis Treated

After identifying some of the warning signs of a wisdom tooth infection, the next step is to go to the dentist so that an x-ray can be performed. Once the diagnosis is made, a plan of care is implemented in order to alleviate the symptoms or to remove the teeth altogether. If the infection is localized to just the tooth and if the pain has not spread to other areas, you can try home remedies to relieve some of these symptoms. One of the most common ways to do so is to gargle warm saltwater. You should combine this daily regimen with an antibiotic rinse.

If you see that not only your tooth, but your cheek and jaw are swollen, you should see your dentist so that antibiotic therapy can be implemented. Pain relievers such as aspirin may also be prescribed. In severe cases where the pain may be described as unbearable, then the next solution is to have oral surgery performed and have the wisdom tooth or the gum flap removed entirely. Dentists typically make referrals to the proper oral surgeon.

Why It Is Important to Get Teeth Removed if Needed

The most immediate threat in a wisdom tooth infection is the threat of it spreading. If the infection spreads to surrounding areas, it can result in swelling in your neck, which could potentially lead to respiratory complications. However, perhaps the most dangerous threat of leaving a wisdom tooth infection unattended to is the threat of the infection spreading to the bloodstream. While this is a rare occasion, it is possible for it to get caught in bodily circulation. If you happen to see any of the warning signs of an infected wisdom tooth, get it tested immediately by a dentist. You could learn more about why it is important to see if your wisdom tooth needs to get removed from Dr. Thomas Ocheltree, who is an expert in the industry.

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